I am slowly getting back to my tea roots. The Chocolate Shop has absorbed so much of my time over the last 5 years, but it’s time. At 9 Lives Tea House, we have just launched our own packaging and pro
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I grew up in a family the collected and sold antiques. I loved the smell of the old furniture, marveled over the porcelain items and their craftmanship. My aunt and uncle had the most glorious collect
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Well sort of anyway. All of my life I have loved growing things. My parents would give me areas of the yard to plant flowers and I always loved Gladiolas or Irises. There was an elderly lady do
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Tea is trendy! Tea is hip! Tea is cool! Tea is replacing coffee as the go to 'it' drink. And why not? One doesn't have to follow the crowd. One can 'try on' many different styles, colors, and flavors
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Tea - it sounds benign and all, but little do you all know that once you have been bitten by the tea bug, it holds you under its spell. I thought coffee was addicting and it is - that caffeine rush in
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